2013: What It Taught Me – By Trevor Martin


First off, I learned that love can come and go in many shapes and forms.

I learned that though you may love someone, there are times when it makes sense to let them go. I learned that it is ok to love and let go, if only for a moment it was felt. And also, I learned that sometimes, love comes at a moment when the two are not ready to embrace it. Not meaning that the two will necessarily have the chance to try again, but that perhaps the feeling was meant to be felt and not held on to. To me, love is love whether you experience it in a flash of someones eyes in a grocery store or whether you have been married for 20 years. It is the feeling of “YOU, you do something to me” and no matter how it comes and goes, its great.

Also, I learned that the word ” Love” means a million different things to a million different people. I learned that love to some people does not always incorporate kindness. I learned that love in someone else’s eyes does not always mean they will not leave you homeless on the streets. I learned that people can use the word in one moment and then literally try to tear your whole life apart in the next. And what  this taught me is not to run from the word, not to hate the word love, but to keep a watchful eye and follow…. Trev follow your fucking gut instincts for now on man!

I also learned that love has no time, no plan, no schedule on when it will come and when it will go, we cannot force it to be there, we cannot force it to go away, it does what it wants. You could meet a person and, in the next day, or three or four (lol), love them. This does not mean it is not love worth looking into, this does not mean it is not as strong as love that took some time, this just means it’s love lol. It taught me that there is no reason to try and force life, like life, love will do what it wants and it is beautiful that way, it is stronger than us. I have learned that if love chooses someone for me, I will gladly accept the gift. And love can show us the demon in some, and the angel in others. I guess in whole I see now that love is the revealer of all things.

I learned that I am Very resourceful. I learned that no matter what happens we can and will find a way to rebuild and push on. I learned that everything can be taken from us but no one can ever take our souls. This is an over used statement but it really hits home for me now. No matter what happens, we have an infinite amount of strength within us to start anew 🙂 In whole, I learned to really trust myself with my life, and I learned I can always come out on top if I allow it.

Lastly, I learned that the search for enlightenment, the search for God, the search for some higher power ( In my opinion) is a waste of time. I learned that if there is a God, no one on this earth has any idea what it would be. I learned that anything that we can create out of our human minds will have human traits, that is only natural, therefore, anything that is not human, like God, will not be anything anyone can ever imagine, fathom or understand. I learned that searching for this being actually took me away from the moment I was in, had me think I had to be something more than I was. I learned that there are only questions and the only constant in this “life” is change.

I learned to embrace the change, or am learning, starting to learn, to just let life and love guide me.

I am just here for the ride 🙂

❤ Trev

The Day You Become Visible – By Trevor Martin


We live in a world where it seems we often feel unlike anyone. A world where we often times feel alone in a room full of people. A world where we feel like an alien dropped off in an unknown place. Yet, every so often in our lives someone comes along and seems to make those thoughts disappear.

I always say to take risks. You never know what tomorrow will bring. You never know the direction a relationship with a person may go. But, if you find someone who sees you, I mean sees inside of you, sees you for who you are, you should walk next to that person for however long it is that you are supposed to be together.

We run, we search, we fret and worry over finding someone, whether it be a friend or mate. Someone who will see us for who we know we are. Yet, sometimes it seems that the person who will see you, is the person who you have been blind to the whole time.

The feeling of knowing you can be yourself, the feeling that what you express will be taken in, the feeling of knowing you are cared for, for what really matters.

A time when you no longer feel alone because you know someone is there who sees you. You were invisible before they came along. Now all of the sudden you can be in a room full of people and everyone else seems to be invisible except them.

Perhaps it is a time when you go from invisible to the only ones who are visible to each other.

Almost as if you where a ghost, a ghost floating through life, trying to interact with the living and only being able to flicker the lights or rustle the leaves. Yet, one day someone that was living passes away. All of the sudden, they can see you, and you can see them. A world full of beings and yet it seems there are only two of you there, connected in a way no one else will be able to see, but you know, and they know, and really… that’s all you two need to know, its all that seems to matter.

And feelings, what the heck are those??!! lol. I too find myself bouncing in and out of emotional roller coasters of what I think I want out of my life. Yet, in a moments time, we may find ourselves with an outpouring of emotions that we never did expect. Doesn’t matter why, doesn’t matter when, all that matters is, it is, and those feelings are there.

Allow yourself to open, allow yourself to be seen.

Much love all

– Trev

Two Days – Poem By Trevor Martin



Two Days – By Trevor Martin

Two days and I just met you, feelings are so clear
I feel like we have met before, another time another year
Why do you think like me, why are we the same
I feel like you are in my head, all up in my brain
That cheesy shit you hear about, the story when eyes met
That person that you’ve seen before, but never did forget
They say “do not rush” a lot, and sometimes that is true
But how are we not to rush, when I am just like you